The kick-off conference of the DanubePeerChains project “Leap into Digital Value Chains” will be held on October 27 via the online platform.
The project partners have recognized the challenges posed by the digital transformation in the industry, and changes in business models and value chains have a huge impact on the countries of the Danube region, especially in the regional labour market and the development of human resources qualifications.
The content of the conference will contribute to raising awareness and the understanding of this complex topic.
The conference is organized under the coordination of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia and it will be held in two languages (English and Slovenian), while interpretation will be provided.
Registration for the event is mandatory and can be done on the following link.
You can download the kick-off conference agenda here.
All registered participants will receive a link to join the conference a few days prior to the event.
The DanubePeerChains project, implemented under the Interreg Danube Programme, addresses current turmoil in value chains and the challenges posed by the digital transformation in the industry, related also to the HR development and the adaptation of business models.
The leading partner in the DanubePeerChains project is Business Upper Austria – OÖ. Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH, Austria, while the project partners are: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia; ConPlusUltra, National Scientific Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection, Romanian Cluster Association, Cluster Mechatronics & Automation, School center Škofja Loka, Zagreb Innovation Centre Ltd., Pannon Business Network Association, R-Tech GmbH, Innovation and Enterpreneurship Center Tehnopolis, University of Belgrade, Foundation for Innovation, Technology and Knowledge Transfer, Montenegro Ministry of Economy, Croatian Employment Service – Regional Office Zagreb, Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection – Employment policy and regulation of migration department, Moldovan Technology Transfer Network, Chamber of Economy of Montenegro and Institute for Work Research and Work Policy at Johannes Kepler University Linz.