The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center Tehnopolis is organizing a festive event on the occasion of the opening of the work on the construction of the “Dom digitalne revolucije”, which will take place on September 11th of the current year, starting at 10 a.m. on the plateau of the “Dom revolucije”.
The start of the works will be made official by Biljana Scepanovic, Minister of Science and Technological Development, Marko Kovacevic, President of Niksic Municipality, Nemanja Vukovic, President of Niksic Municipality Assembly, Maja Delic, Capital Projects Administration and Djordjije Malovic, Executive Director of IEC Tehnopolis.
“Dom digitalne revolucije” will become a new multifunctional space for the development of the creative industry both in Niksic and in Montenegro, with an innovative approach, creative and thoughtful treatment of the existing space and valorization of its potential. “Dom digitalne revolucije” will additionally enable the further development of services and services of IEC Tehnopolis, and in accordance with the strategic vision of its development, which, in addition to support services, will also enable the development of new, commercial services.
By developing existing and planning future infrastructural segments, as well as services, IEC Tehnopolis will influence the increase in the demand of individuals, teams, micro and small companies for office and creative spaces in order to make future equipment and services available. Providing and equipping the mentioned spaces for the purposes of providing the necessary support and providing commercial services will further strengthen the capacities of IEC Tehnopolis for the creation and growth of innovative companies from the sphere of the creative industry, which will give an additional impetus to the development of the local and national economy and thereby position the “Dom digitalne revolucije”, IEC Tehnopolis and Niksic as a center of creative industry in Montenegro.
The start of construction work was made possible by continuous synchronized activity and successful cooperation between the Municipality of Niksic, IEC Tehnopolis, the Administration for Capital Projects and the Ministry of Science and Technological Development.