For decades, business life in the world has been changing in line with trends, so we are increasingly meeting individuals who perform their professional duties regardless of geographical location, and the trend of freelancers and digital nomads is becoming popular in the region. Convenient geographical location, the hospitality of people, pleasant business environment, beautiful nature, and tourist potentials, and excellent offer – these are just some of the reasons that attract new target groups to the countries of the Western Balkans. Noticing the importance and potential of attracting digital nomads and freelancers, INTERA Technology Park and Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center Tehnopolis are jointly organizing the Cross Border Coworking Conference!
In the first days of autumn, Budva will, thanks to this conference, become the center of the conversations and networking between regional coworking managers, coworkers, digital nomads, and freelancers, but also relevant organizations and institutions that can jointly improve the business environment. From Monday, October 4th until Wednesday, October 6th, regional and world experts will gather on the Montenegrin coast this year, who will, through a series of lectures and panel discussions, speak about current topics, and contribute their experience to a better understanding of this popular trend. The conference will discuss the concept and perspectives of digital nomads, the potential of the Western Balkans, the experiences of digital nomads who have stayed in the region, as well as packages that will provide this target group with coworking spaces that make up the Code Hub network in Mostar, Niksic, Tuzla and Zadar. The two-day conference will also touch on the regional coworking scene, the impact of the global pandemic on the sector, the challenges faced by coworking managers over the past 18 months, but also the benefits of teleworking, as well as the prospects for developing new coworking communities.
The conference will be an opportunity to exchange experiences, talk, and network, but also socialize and have fun to mark the end of summer. More details about the Conference can be found here. Participation in the conference will be free of charge since INTERA Technology Park and Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center Tehnopolis are organizing it through the 2CODE project, co-financed by the ERDF and IPA II funds of the European Union.
Therefore, regional coworking managers, coworkers, digital nomads, and other interested people, save these dates in your reminder and be ready for three days of learning and socializing, because the organizers guarantee you great fun, inspiring stories, and useful tips!