Three young Montenegrin artists shared some of their personal and professional failures at last night’s Fuckup Nights in Niksic Vol. 2.
Petar Buric, Gordana Micunovic, and Petar Novakovic shared various challenges that acting brings, how they deal with insecurities and mistakes and how they motivate themselves to continue even when they are not doing well.
“I don’t like to call failure a mistake, I always see it as a lesson because I learn the most from it,” said Petar Buric: “There is no stability or security in acting, you fight for new engagements every day and you have to be ready to hear often NO as a response. ”
As someone who had the opportunity to try out on the American continent, and in the countries of the region, he shared with the participants some of the situations in which he found himself and pointed out that failure can affect a person very emotional if he does not prepare for it mentally. According to him, it is crucial to believe in yourself and give one hundred percent of yourself, because when you know that you did the best you could – you will not regret any result that follows.
Gordana believes that few people have achieved success without a lot of work and sacrifice. Her acting career was initially quite thorny, partly because she did not have the support of the environment, and partly because she had too high expectations from working on the first projects. However, she was not shaken by the fact that things did not always go as she imagined and she did not give up on expressing her art in other ways, so she published her first book. She believes that art is something you carry within you and that you live art, and that it is primarily defined as a man, not an actor. “The first step in the process of dealing with failure is to get to know yourself, face yourself and your shortcomings and embrace your fears, because only when you know yourself well, you are ready to face everything that awaits you,” Gordana points out.
Petar Novakovic agrees with his colleagues and says that he always gave himself the wind in his back to be as better as possible. After talking about the situations that have happened to him in his career so far, he pointed out that he always learned something new that helped him later in life. As he says, he now spends most of his time in his native Bijelo Polje, where he managed to find himself again in the theater working with young people, who inspire him. “One must forgive oneself for one’s failures, to reconcile with them and with oneself,” says Petar: “It is important to return to the roots and always have a secure base and stronghold.”
The actors think that the fact that they come from a small environment helped them grow because they dealt with themselves differently and set high goals. The lack of understanding of the environment and the lack of support did not sway them and they believe that man himself must fight for what he wants and that he must find a way to achieve it. They agree that young and ambitious people should be supported and motivated and that events like this are one of the ways we can positively influence them.
“It is important to be prepared for the possibility of failure and not let it define you, but dare to try again,” said Petar Buric: “You can’t grow in the comfort zone, you need to set off and explore your potential.”
The event was organized within the 2CODE project, which is co-financed by the ERDF and IPA II funds of the European Union.