IEC Tehnopolis: Visit to the partner institutions in the region with the aim of developing a common innovation market


Representatives of IEC Tehnopolis, executive director Ratko Batakovic, business incubator manager Jelena Djedovic, financial manager Vanja Zoric Sundic, program manager Djordjije Brkuljan and project manager Aleksandar Janicic visited the scientific and technological parks in the region during a four-day work visit.

During this study tour, representatives of Tehnopolis visited Scientific Technology Park Cacak, Center for technology transfer in Belgrade, Scientific Technology Park Belgrade, the Development Agency and Biocenter in Zagreb, as well as the business center Networks in Sarajevo.

During the first day, on July 17th, the team visited Scientific Technology Park in Cacak, where they had a meeting with the representatives of this institution and discussed the possibilities for cooperation in regional and international projects, as well as the exchange of experiences, lecturers and consultants in the coming period. They agreed to sign the memorandum of cooperation, which will be prepared by IEC Tehnopolis.

In addition to representatives of Tehnopolis, the meeting was attended by Sretko Popadic, director of STP Cacak, as well as members of the Assembly of this institution: Radisav Marjanovic, Dean of the Faculty of Agronomy, prof. dr  Vladeta Stevovic, director of TGK Dragan Gojkovic, as well as the President of the Assembly of STP Cacak, Radovan Jovanovic.

On the same day representatives of Tehnopolis visited  Center for Technology Transfer in Belgrade, with which Tehnopolis partnered for the CrowdStream project within the Danube Transnational Program. The Protocol on long-term professional, scientific and business cooperation with the University of Belgrade was signed at the meeting.

The protocol was signed by the Rector of the University of Belgrade, prof. dr Vladimir Bumbasirevic and Executive Director of Tehnopolis, Ratko Batakovic, and the signing was attended by the Director of the Center for Technology Transfer, dr Nedeljko Milosavljević, as well as employees from these two institutions.

On Tuesday, July 18th, a visit to the Belgrade Scientific Technology Park was organized. The focus of this visit was on the exchange of knowledge and experience, as well as on the potential of cooperation on future projects. STP Belgrade was presented by the deputy director Radisa Vicevic and Jelena Petrovic, coordinator for business cooperation with technology and development companies.

On the same day, the team visited the Development Agency in Zagreb, with which Tehnopolis is also a partner on the CrowdStream project. This institution was presented by Ivan Culjak, project manager of the Technological Park Zagreb and Marko Helfrih,  Deputy Director of the Development Agency Zagreb. Representatives of Tehnopolis had the opportunity to get acquainted with the content and services offered by this institution, as well as the activities they have implemented so far.

On Wednesday, July 19th, a visit to Biocenter in Zagreb was organized. In addition, the participants exchanged the experiences on the activities that have been implemented so far, with a special focus on the biotechnology laboratory, which IEC Tehnopolis is developing at its facility. The meeting was attended by dr Sanja Sale, Director of Research and Transfer of Technology and Member of the Management Board, as well as MA Jeremija Hranjec, Senior Administrator.

Study trip was completed by visiting the Sarajevo Business Center “Networks”, where besides representatives of Tehnopolis, the meeting was attended by Naida Vikalo, start up and project coordinator, and Belma Kucukalic, Sarajevo Unlimited Festival assistant. This visit marked the beginning of the official cooperation between these two centers and announced the participation of Tehnopolis and Montenegrin start-ups at the Sarajevo Unlimited regional innovation forum.

During this four-day visit, representatives of Tehnopolis exchanged contacts with start-ups in all the technology parks they visited, since their experiences are of great importance for the development of one business incubator. This study trip was organized with the aim of connecting with existing and future business partners, as well as successful exchange of experiences and examples of good practice, with consideration of possibilities for future cooperation. The study tour was organized with the support of the Ministry of Science of Montenegro.

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