The Ministry of Science, in cooperation with partners – Ministry of Economy and IEC Tehnopolis, on Monday June 19 organize an information day dedicated to financial instruments for fostering innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises, with a focus on the EU Horizon 2020 program. The event will take place at Multimedia hall starting at 9 am.
The event’s program is intended for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as research organizations that are in the process of developing knowledge-based innovations. Representatives of the companies from Slovenia and Serbia, who successfully commercialized certain ideas and new insights, where significant support was received from the environment of scientific and technological parks will share their experiences on how to build innovative businesses in a globalized economic environment, what are the challenges and how to creatively approach them.
The event is also an opportunity to discuss the state of commercialization of knowledge and innovations in Montenegro, in order to raise awareness of opportunities and obstacles. The exhibition will be attended by a representative of Amplitudo from Podgorica, who has experience in cooperation with research institutions, as well as a representative of the Ministry of Science, i.e. the project “Higher Education and Research for Innovation and Competitiveness”, in which important information and expert recommendations were obtained.
Representatives of the Ministry of Science and the Ministry of Economy will provide information on EU grants for innovation in enterprises from the Horizon 2020 program, as well as the new EU financial instrument, the Western Balkans Development and Enterprise Development Program (WB EDIF), with special emphasis on the Innovation Fund ENIF.