A Cross-Border Initiative for Additive Manufacturing Innovation and Integration

Vodeći partner: IMAST - District of Engineering of Polymer and Composite Materials and Structures - S.C.A.R.L
Ukupan budžet projekta: 195,804.84 EUR
Budžet Tehnopolisa: 35,327.00 EUR
Trajanje projekta: 2/1/2024 - 2/1/2025

Projektni partneri

  • PROEPORT Association Albania
  • Innovation entrepreneurship center (IEC) Tehnopolis
  • Regional Development Agency of Molise Region - Sviluppo Italia Molise S.p.A.
  • Cilj projekta

  • Development of a joint action plan as a foundation for a cross-border district in the field of additive technologies in manufacturing.
  • Organization of workshops on additive technology, advanced manufacturing technologies, and production digitalization in Italy (Molise), Albania, and Montenegro.
  • Organization of training sessions on "Additive Manufacturing Technologies" in Montenegro.
  • Ključni rezultati projekta

  • Improved cooperation and networking among the involved regions and SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises).
  • Increased capacity of SMEs to adopt additive manufacturing technologies.
  • Enhanced innovation potential of the regions, increased cross-border cooperation, and integrations.
  • The joint action plan developed during the project will aim to integrate additive manufacturing technologies into the production processes of SMEs, enabling them to remain competitive and face future challenges.
  • Link do sajta projekta

    One-pager of the AMTECH project

    Lead partner: IMAST - District of Engineering of Polymer and Composite Materials and Structures - S.C.A.R.L
    Total project budget: 195,804.84 EUR
    IEC Tehnopolis budget: 35,327.00 EUR
    Project duration: 2/1/2024 - 2/1/2025

    Project partners

  • PROEPORT Association Albania
  • Innovation entrepreneurship center (IEC) Tehnopolis
  • Regional Development Agency of Molise Region - Sviluppo Italia Molise S.p.A.
  • The goal of the project

  • Development of a joint action plan as a foundation for a cross-border district in the field of additive technologies in manufacturing.
  • Organization of workshops on additive technology, advanced manufacturing technologies, and production digitalization in Italy (Molise), Albania, and Montenegro.
  • Organization of training sessions on "Additive Manufacturing Technologies" in Montenegro.
  • Key results of the project

  • Improved cooperation and networking among the involved regions and SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises).
  • Increased capacity of SMEs to adopt additive manufacturing technologies.
  • Enhanced innovation potential of the regions, increased cross-border cooperation, and integrations.
  • The joint action plan developed during the project will aim to integrate additive manufacturing technologies into the production processes of SMEs, enabling them to remain competitive and face future challenges.
  • Link to the project website