Learning platform “Edukacija.me”

Vodeći partner: Innovation and entrepreneurship center Tehnopolis
Ukupan budžet projekta: 15,104.50 EUR
Budžet Tehnopolisa: 15,104.50 EUR
Trajanje projekta: 06/30/2017 – 06/30/2018

Projektni partneri

  • Improvement of non-formal education in Montenegro using new technologies and modern learning methods to provide high school students and students to expand their knowledge in 10 areas through a learning platform, regardless of geographic location, age, free time, financial opportunities or other obstacles.
  • Cilj projekta

    Unapređenje neformalnog obrazovanja u Crnoj Gori kroz upotrebu novih tehnologija i savremenih metoda učenja kako bi obezbjedili srednjoškolcima i studentima da prošire svoja znanja iz 10 oblasti kroz platformu za učenje, bez obzira na geografsku lokaciju, uzrast, slobodno vrijeme, finansijske mogućnosti ili druge prepreke.

    Ključni rezultati projekta

  • Promoting the concept of lifelong learning;
  • Improving the connection between educational institutions and the labor market;
  • Preparation and creation of the online learning platform edukacija.me, through the preparation and production of 10 pilot areas, which will be placed on the platform, together with accompanying video content, learning materials.
  • Link do sajta projekta

    The project was financed by the Commission for the distribution of part of the income from games of chance.

    Lead partner: Innovation and entrepreneurship center Tehnopolis
    Total project budget: 15,104.50 EUR
    IEC Tehnopolis budget: 15,104.50 EUR
    Project duration: 06/30/2017 – 06/30/2018

    Project partners

  • Improvement of non-formal education in Montenegro using new technologies and modern learning methods to provide high school students and students to expand their knowledge in 10 areas through a learning platform, regardless of geographic location, age, free time, financial opportunities or other obstacles.
  • The goal of the project

    Unapređenje neformalnog obrazovanja u Crnoj Gori kroz upotrebu novih tehnologija i savremenih metoda učenja kako bi obezbjedili srednjoškolcima i studentima da prošire svoja znanja iz 10 oblasti kroz platformu za učenje, bez obzira na geografsku lokaciju, uzrast, slobodno vrijeme, finansijske mogućnosti ili druge prepreke.

    Key results of the project

  • Promoting the concept of lifelong learning;
  • Improving the connection between educational institutions and the labor market;
  • Preparation and creation of the online learning platform edukacija.me, through the preparation and production of 10 pilot areas, which will be placed on the platform, together with accompanying video content, learning materials.
  • Link to the project website