The project is supported/financed by the Regional Foreign Trade Promotion Fund – GIZ/ORF FT
Strengthening the Startup EcoSystem in the Western Balkan Region
Vodeći partner: GIZ
Ukupan budžet projekta:
Budžet Tehnopolisa: Non-financial support
Trajanje projekta: 05/2018 – 06/2020
Projektni partneri
Cilj projekta
Ključni rezultati projekta
- Strengthened capacities of hubs, technological centers and incubators.
Link do sajta projekta
Lead partner: GIZ
Total project budget:
IEC Tehnopolis budget: Non-financial support
Project duration: 05/2018 – 06/2020
Project partners
The goal of the project
Key results of the project
- Strengthened capacities of hubs, technological centers and incubators.