Promotion of the book “Rural Tourism in Montenegro – Marketing Aspects of Development”, by Dr. Ilija Moric, today marked the World Tourism Day in Tehnopolis. The author of the book, Dr. Ilija Moric, explaining the specific location and quality of Montenegro related to rural tourism, expressed particular satisfaction with the fact that Tehnopolis, as an innovative and entrepreneurship center, published this book, explaining that innovation and entrepreneurship are key segments for development rural tourism in the modern world.
As a mentor of the author, both during the studies and during the process of writing this work, Bozo Mihailovic, a professor at the Faculty of Economics, addressed the audience.
Executive Director of Tehnopolis, Ratko Batakovic said that it is an honour that this kind of celebration of the World Tourism Day is being held in Tehnopolis, and that the promotion of this book is very important for our country and for those involved in rural tourism, and expressed satisfaction with the fact that Tehnopolis is a publisher of this book.