In the premises of IEC Tehnopolis, the Startup Camp for young people started, which will last until November 28th. This unique opportunity brings together 25 talented high school students from Niksic and Pljevlja, who will have the opportunity to develop and improve their capacities for identifying and developing innovative ideas through an interactive program of training, lectures, presentations and workshops.
During the seven-day duration of the camp, high school students will have the support of renowned experts and trainers, who will help the participants create the basis for potentially successful startups. The program will include topics such as the definition of a startup, familiarization with the innovation ecosystem of Montenegro, as well as an introduction to a successful startup, which will give young people an insight into the real business environment by gaining practical knowledge.
Also, in this period, the participants will master the skills that are crucial for the creation and development of innovations by going through the following topics:
• Design thinking – an approach used for practical and creative problem solving
• Validation of ideas
• Developing the idea through the Lean Canvas business plan
• Commercialization of an idea – the process of bringing an idea or service to the market
• Finance and crowdfunding: funding sources/available support programs for startups.
One of the most interesting moments during the camp will be the opportunity for the participants to present their innovative ideas to the expert jury at the Demo Day. The best idea, according to the jury’s decision, will be awarded with 500 EUR, providing an additional incentive for young enthusiasts to turn their ideas into reality.
This initiative aims to raise awareness of the importance of innovation among young people, and to create a bridge between the educational system and the business world. Tehnopolis, as a leader in supporting innovation, continues with activities that contribute to strengthening the innovation culture among young people, which encourages the further development of Montenegrin entrepreneurship.
We are organizing the Startup Camp for young people as part of the Business enabling environment for youth employment – BEYOND project, which IEC Tehnopolis is implementing in partnership with the Regional Development Agency Zlatibor and the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro. The project is co-financed by the European Union within the financial instrument of pre-accession assistance (IPA II) through the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Serbia – Montenegro 2014-2020.