The BioLab team at training on inspection and calibration of pesticide application equipment


Employees of the Biotechnological Laboratory – BioLab Tehnopolis are currently in the Netherlands for training on the inspection and calibration of equipment for pesticide application, as part of the European Commission’s “Better Training for Safer Food (BTSF)” initiative.

BTSF aims to improve knowledge and implementation of EU regulations related to food and nutrition legislation, animal health and welfare, and plant health and plant protection products regulations.

As a potential member of the European Union, Montenegro must take all necessary measures to introduce mandatory control of the machinery used for plant protection products application and ensure its implementation in practice, coordinate and monitor the control process.

Our Biotechnological Laboratory, BioLab Tehnopolis, is the only laboratory in Montenegro that has equipment for testing the technical correctness of machinery used for pesticide application and meets the conditions specified by the Regulation on the requirements regarding professional staff, equipment, and devices. Accordingly, BioLab has been authorized to perform device checks for the needs of the Food Safety, Veterinary, and Phytosanitary Affairs Administration through the phytosanitary measures program, specifically through the Monitoring of Pesticide Application Devices.

The existing knowledge of our colleagues will be enhanced during this training and applied during future tests conducted on the territory of Montenegro.

Training activities on the inspection and calibration of equipment for applying plant protection products in professional use are organized per the provisions of Directive 2009/128/EC within the Better Training for Safer Food (BTSF) initiative.

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