Interreg – IPA CBC Croatia-Bosnia and Herzegovina-Montenegro
Crown of entrepreneurial ideas for success
Vodeći partner: Sisak-Moslavina County Development Agency SI-MO-RA Ltd. (UK)
Ukupan budžet projekta: 616,169.00 EUR
Budžet Tehnopolisa: 158,055.00 EUR
Trajanje projekta: 07/15/2020 – 07/14/2022
Projektni partneri
Cilj projekta
Ključni rezultati projekta
Link do sajta projekta
Lead partner: Sisak-Moslavina County Development Agency SI-MO-RA Ltd. (UK)
Total project budget: 616,169.00 EUR
IEC Tehnopolis budget: 158,055.00 EUR
Project duration: 07/15/2020 – 07/14/2022
Project partners
The goal of the project
Key results of the project
Link to the project website