Lead partner: Innovation and entrepreneurship center Tehnopolis
Total project budget: 133,080.00 EUR
IEC Tehnopolis budget: 121,800.00 EUR
Project duration: 07/2023 - 03/2024
Science and technology park Montenegro University of Montenegro Science technology park Belgrade Montenegrin Telekom
Increasing the competitiveness and digitization of the Montenegrin economy through the development of the Montenegrin innovative system and the creation of new innovative companies, raising knowledge and skills, creating new values, entrepreneurial culture, and access to regional and international markets for innovative and entrepreneurial projects. Improving the capacity of the Montenegrin innovative ecosystem in terms of knowledge and skills in the field of business development, technology development, protection of intellectual property rights and other relevant topics through the organization and implementation of the non-financial part of the support program (mentoring program, meet-ups, workshops, trainings).
Key results of the project
Support for 20 teams in the early phase of an entrepreneurial venture, who intend to validate and/or improve their entrepreneurial project. Support for the 6 most successful teams, which will be part of the pre-acceleration phase, in part covering the material costs required for the development of the startup idea.
Link to the project website