Uhura Contract Intelligence Platform

Vodeći partner: Innovation and entrepreneurship center Tehnopolis, Montenegro
Ukupan budžet projekta: 147,097.06 EUR
Budžet Tehnopolisa: 147,097.06 EUR
Trajanje projekta: 01/01/2021 – 12/30/2021

Projektni partneri

  • Uhura Solutions LLC

Cilj projekta

  • Developing solutions that provide automatic analysis of contracts and agreements based on artificial intelligence.
  • Ključni rezultati projekta

  • Created a platform that automates the process of document classification and data extraction, but also performs automatic analysis, as well as reasoning and decision-making based on machine learning.
  • Link do sajta projekta

    Project financed by the Ministry of Science of Montenegro

    Lead partner: Innovation and entrepreneurship center Tehnopolis, Montenegro
    Total project budget: 147,097.06 EUR
    IEC Tehnopolis budget: 147,097.06 EUR
    Project duration: 01/01/2021 – 12/30/2021

    Project partners

    • Uhura Solutions LLC

    The goal of the project

  • Developing solutions that provide automatic analysis of contracts and agreements based on artificial intelligence.
  • Key results of the project

  • Created a platform that automates the process of document classification and data extraction, but also performs automatic analysis, as well as reasoning and decision-making based on machine learning.
  • Link to the project website